Sasan Gir Safari: Sharing Some Dancing Moves with the Lions
Wildlife lovers are more fascinated with wildlife sanctuaries than zoos. Zoos only display a collection of animals surrounded by a cage to the public. But in Wildlife sanctuaries like Gir National Park endows people to spot the wild beasts prowling freely in the jungle, in their natural habitat. The wildlife sanctuaries are created to protect the endangered animals and from the disturbance of humans. The parks’ prime goal is to provide a comfortable living to the animals, where they can reside freely without any domination. The parks are surrounded by dense forest, lakes, dams, beautiful animals, and a wide variety of fauna to build a robust ecosystem. The forest department took the initiative to monetize the wild felines and incorporate a better treatment for them. Before entering the forest, you have to obtain Gir National Park Booking for tickets. To S ee the B est V iews of the L ions during Gir S afari Gir N...