Plan A Mesmerizing Tour To The Gir National Park

A Synopsis of Gir National Park

This blog tells you about a place in India where you can see the majestic lions, all in their natural habitat. Over decades, the place was the hunting grounds of royal Nawabs, who came here to relish their hunting experience, which occurred as a recreational activity for the Maharajas. Gir National Park has always overwhelmed people in sighting the wild beast and incredible encounters of the rarest animal on Earth that you have ever seen in your lifetime.

After many years of struggle, the Indian Government could finally take it away from the hands of hunters and made the place a protected area for the lions and other species. Since then, they found themselves secured and safe, wandering in the vast jungle. The Indian Government took the initiative to safeguard the lions from extinction and converted the place to a wildlife sanctuary in 1965.

Prime Attraction of The Gir Forest

  • Jungle Trail: Embark the panoramic view of nature, a 3 hours tour to encounter the enthralling lions in the forest waiting to welcome with open arms. The tour will mesmerize you every second, as the professional guidance of the woods. He will navigate you through every nook of the jungle, narrating the thrilling stories of the lions.

Before that, obtain tickets for Gir Safari Booking from the entry gate for a hassle-free journey. Safaris are conducted thrice a day, which will also escort you from the hotel itself. Foreigners, who are eager to enjoy the trip, can go for online booking in advance.

  • Shake your hands with the Maldhari Tribal:  A few settlements still survive in the wildlife sanctuary of Gir Forest, called the Nesses. The Maldhari tribesmen are the only survival who coexist with the wild beasts on the same territory with integrity. They sustain their life by depending on the cattle herding and selling the milk products produced by the cattle. They often lose their cattle in the hands of forest predators, but they consulate themselves with the belief that the loss is a rental exchange for residing on the lands of these wild beasts.

Interpretation Zone in Gir National Park

  • Devaliya Park: A small interpreted zone made by the forest department, within the Gir forest, spread the crowd of the peak hours in Gir national park. Devaliya Park attracts many tourists as it has a large population of wild beasts and birdlife to explore. The park is small but is the residing home for the Asiatic Lions, who can wander around the entire forest in their natural habitat. Thus, if you want to explore the woods here, you have to opt for Gir Online Booking for a hassle-free journey.


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